Poe 3.3 Ranger Raider Starter Builds

Path Of Exile Date: Jun/01/18 14:02:07 Views: 10892

The Raider focuses on preserving buffs, gaining Frenzy Charges, Onslaught, or Phasing via kills. She can specialize in one of those buffs to improve its effectiveness, tremendously boosting her speed and evasion. In spite of what the class icon shows, this class doesn't have any modifiers precise to melee harm, so ranged attacks will receive those bonuses at the same time. In this Post, U4GM will share Path of Exile 3.3 Ranger Raider Starter Builds for you.



Poe 3.3 Ranger Raider Starter Builds

NO.1 [PoE 3.3 Build] popular Freezing Cyclone Melee Raider Starter Build

The Ngamahu's flame builds, even though very sturdy, didn't seriously really feel like a 'cyclone' build but far more of a magma ball build. Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone build was my favored just before this one and have no dislikes. Right after playing a physical build for so long wanted to have a similar hard-hitting build but having as close to 100% elemental damage as a handle. Following looking at all of the different possibilities and passives got merely on routes I wanted to take, I settled on cold damage. The idea of Cycloning using a pack and watching them shatter to dust as passed sounded quite enjoyable so started building upon that idea. This Build capable to quickly clear all maps, run all my ascendancy labs at or under level needed(lvl 70 Uber on a 7c spending budget), normal Atziri, all guardians/Shaper, and all elder guardians/all Elder tiers.

+ Fast clear speed
+ Cyclone kills as you move, no stopping
+ Frozen things can't hit you
+ Melee build, see their frozen faces before they shatter
+ Immune to most elemental effects
+ 3 Poe chaos Orbs budget gets you farming maps
+ No corpses left behind to be raised/detonated
- Melee build, gotta get up close and personal
- Min/max End game items will be costly
- Requires one specific unique which makes SSF hard to go full cold.

General Mapping
Major: Soul of Lunaris. All of the additional mods are great to have when mapping.
Minor: Soul of Rakesh, Soul of Abberath, Soul of Garukhan are all good for mapping. For Lab runs Soul of Ryslatha.
Major: Soul of Solaris. All of the additional mods are good for fighting bosses.
Minor: Soul of Garukhan, Soul of Yugul(with Asphyxia) for fights with cold damage, Soul of Abberath for fights with fire damage, Soul of Gruthkul(with Legius Garhall) for physical damage bosses.

Bandits: Kill them all

Head towards Avatar of the Slaughter first then Avatar of the Veil.

Leveling Guides:
Use anything you want until cyclone is available. You can use cleave personally, but anything works.
Having Spirit void will make Cyclone feel much smoother, but cyclone will still DEVOUR your mana early on. If you don't feel like chugging mana flasks using Mana Leech Support will solve it. If you are having mana issues with Hatred/Frostbite using Herald of Ice/Frostbite will leave you with plenty of mana to not run out during single target cycling. Lower damage but not that big a deal overall.
Later on, you will not need Spirit void to sustain mana during single target cyclone. Just there to help with leveling.
Using Brute Force Solution will take care of any Int problems you have while leveling. Placing it in the socket right next to Golem's Blood will give you all the int you need for the higher levels of gems.
At lvl 51 you highly recommend picking up Terminus Est. The movement speed alone will make everything feel better... also it has a ton of raw physical damage.
At lvl 64 you will be able to use Kondo's Pride or Hezmana's Bloodlust. Either of them is fine, but Kondo's is better damage wise. Using Hezmana's saves you having to regret points later on.
The first unique you purchase while mapping is a Bronn's Lithe but Carcass Jack is a better choice if you wish to be more defensive. Both are fantastic chests and gives us a nice all around damage boost. These let me focus on the more defensive passives each level while still doing significant damage.
Following Bronns you tend to get a Carnage Heart for resists/all stats and then a Devotos. After that, it is pretty much saved for Disfavour!

PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/dCK00aVk
Skill Tree: https://tinyurl.com/yap69xpo
Example Link: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2033057

NO.2 [PoE 3.3 Build] Straightforward to play Flexible Semi-MF Caustic Arrow Raider

Starting with all the most important query: "Why Raider of all classes?" For speed, defensive abilities, and enormous QoL features. The build's objective is usually to speedily run by way of maps immune to majority of ailments, though remaining mobile against bosses without having to depend on utility flasks. CA isn't a perfect boss killing skill soon after all, so that requires time in higher tier maps. That's also where ED weapon swap comes in, to take them down in seconds. The build is tanky finish game, with over 6k life pool, above ~35k evasion (jade flask up), 46% dodge and 40% spell dodge. If you get hit, you can instantaneously heal with Flask to counter the damage and move on. Unless you run an extremely deadly map or screw up, it is tough to die with this build.

+ Cheap starting Build
+ Easy to play
+ Tanky end game, 6k life without life from a quiver
+ Fast without flasks (over 70% ms, high AS)
+ Flexible build, adjust how much you want to go MF / damage / tanky
+ Can run any map mod, including "No regen."
+ Capable of clearing all end game content
+ 79% max res while mapping (Divination Distillate)
+ Permanent flask uptime while mapping (except bosses)

- Expensive end game gear (+3 Chaos Staff, 2x Empower)
- Weapon swap might be annoying
- CA damage might feel a bit lackluster in abyss/breaches

Bandits: Oak (my choice) OR 2 passive points

Major God: Soul of Lunaris
Nuff said, straight up has the best synergy with the build. Others barely do anything except few specific cases.
Minor God: Soul of Shakari OR Ryslatha OR Garukhan

Avatar of Veil (Phasing) + Avatar of Slaughter/Chase (Frenzy/Onslaught)
Frenzy path is a default. Reliable, standalone, easy to gear up. Always start a character with it.
Onslaught path is powerful endgame option. Best used for simple mapping, but it works against endgame bosses as well. A bit more expensive, optional, lvl 90+ only.

Leveling Guides:
First of all, leveling with CA as a league starter is close to impossible. The damage output is heavily gated behind levels, and they're hard to acquire early on. Without twink gear, it's very, very slow. That's why we're going to level with an elemental bow until we're ready to respec to CA (within 20 free respec points).
If you have enough money, you can level with CA. It's quite fast too, you reached lvl 63 and done everything up to Kitava in ~4:30h. Got lvl ~75 in 2 more hours.

PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/gtqCz6GF
Skill Tree: http://poeurl.com/bVlJ
Example Link: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077932

PoE 3.3 Builds Related News And Guides
Poe 3.3 Ranger Raider Starter Builds

The Raider focuses on preserving buffs, gaining Frenzy Charges, Onslaught, or Phasing via kills.

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