The Fast Way To Kill The Boss In TERA

Tera Date: Jul/11/18 14:35:34 Views: 150

Killing the boss in this game will bring you some benefits, such as increase your HP, enrich your Inventory......But we all know that killing the boss has some difficulties for us. Then I will show you guys a guide about how to kill the boss easily in Tera.



Before you enter the CoA

- Make sure you have some inventory space 

- Discuss loot rules with your party members. A good rule is to agree on using greed for every resource/waste item. The Tera Gold And use need for the boss drops that you want. 

- Bring along some food. Sauteed Fungi works excellent. It is a level 20 food item that increases health generation by 5. If your healer crashes on you, you’ll be cursing the seven sigils if you don't have any of these with you!


The bosses you will encounter in this order: Becks, Pooch & Tack and finally Amsell.

Becks can be soloed, however, you will need regen food. Preferably the level 30 ones but depending on the self-healing skills you might do with a cheaper kind. Take into consideration that this can take up to 20 minutes, perhaps longer, to complete!


The normal mobs in this instance are very weak. Their damage output is really low and half the time they don't do anything at all. They do however have a lot of HP (8k~) and use a lot of crippling attacks Tera online Gold raining your physique in no time. Running past them to the bosses is easy, but take into consideration that you will be running with no physique at some points and you will take damage.


For every boss the general rule is; DO NOT aggo until your party is complete and ready to fight! The instance works with a door system. When you start fighting a boss, the doors in that room will close. No one will be able to enter or exit the room until the fight is over.



Becks is a big sack of ugliness, much like his pal Amsell. Make sure that everyone has their weapons drawn before engaging! Becks opens with a massive Area of Attack skill doing around 1.5k - 2k! His normal hits vary from 400 to 900dmg, just make sure everyone is above 2k health so that his AoE attack does not kill anyone.


Becks is a bit buggy, he tends to walk to the door and hug it, if he is left alone for too long he will regenerate health. Try to keep him in the middle of the room to prevent this.


Thanks for reading and be sure to come to us if you want the best deal on cheap Tera gold. If you have any more troubles when playing TERA, U4GM can not only provide the best Tera gold but also best solutions for all players, we will help you to enjoy more fun in this game.

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